Frequently Asked  Questions (FAQs):

Although not an exhaustive list, here are some of the most commonly asked questions we receive. We’re happy to answer any and all questions you may have. Should you need additional information, please contact your individual therapist.

What are your fees?

Our fees vary and are commensurate with the level of experience of  each clinician. Fees are based on 50 minute sessions.

Rob Pennello - Sr. Therapist - $200.00 per session

Martha Escobar - Therapist - $150.00 per session

Chelsie Ciminelli - Therapist - $140.00 per session

Do you accept insurance?

We are an out-of-network provider, which means you will need to make payments at the time of each session.  At the onset of therapy, you may request an itemized invoice to submit to your insurance company for the cost of your sessions and your insurance may reimburse you for a percentage of the session cost.  Many of our clients receive reimbursement of 60-80% of their session fee but please check with your insurance provider for details surrounding your coverage and rates of reimbursement. We do accept HSA/FSA cards as a means of payment.

Do you offer a sliding scale?

Based on certain extenuating circumstances, we may offer a sliding scale fee. In that case, we will work with you to the best of our abilities to  accommodate your specific situation.


What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, checks, cash and FSA/HSA cards.  Payment is due in full at the start of each session. It is our policy to  securely keep a credit card on file for billing purposes and/or missed sessions or late cancellations.


I’ve never been to therapy before.  What should I expect?

Congratulations on taking this first brave step toward healing!  During your first session, we’ll carefully guide you through the process and establish  a rapport to make you feel comfortable and safe. We’ll talk about what brings you to therapy and what your goals and concerns are.  We’ll develop a treatment plan with steps to help you reach your goals and answer any questions you may have throughout each session, ensuring that your investment in yourself is worthwhile.


What occurs at first contact with my therapist?

At first contact, either by email or phone, the therapist will quickly return your correspondence or call within 24 hours or less.  The therapist will either speak to you directly or use email or text as a way to set up your first appointment and take in initial presenting issues for seeking therapy.  We refer to this process of contact as the “intake” process. During this process, we obtain general information and set up your first appointment and make sure you have all the forms you need.  You will then fill out and sign 3 downloadable documents from our website (viz., Professional Disclosure Statement (PDS), Client Intake Form and Credit Card Authorization Form) and scan them back to your therapist as soon as possible.  We ask the client to do this so that all of your paperwork will be completed outside our session time so we can devote 100% of our time working with you.


Are our sessions confidential?

Yes, confidentiality is of paramount importance and one of the ethical foundations of therapy.  Without your written consent to disclose your information to a specific source or entity, everything you share is confidential.  There are exceptions though that are required by law such as:

  • If one of our therapists deems you pose a risk to harm yourself, we are ethically bound to notify the appropriate authorities to protect you from such harm.

  • If you indicate to our clinicians there’s a serious imminent threat that you will harm someone else, we are legally required to warn the intended victim(s) and contact the police.

  • We’re required to report any suspicion of child or elder abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities.

  • Very rarely, the state or federal courts may subpoena our records or require us to give a deposition as testimony, however in the event we receive a subpoena, we’re legally bound to honor the court’s requests.


What is your cancellation policy?

We realize everyone has busy lives and the need to cancel a session may arise.  If you have a need to cancel or reschedule, our practice requires a 25 Hour Advance Notice to avoid being charged in full.  Please contact your individual therapist for cancellations or rescheduling requests.

How long are sessions?

Therapy sessions are 50 minutes long although longer times may be reserved when requested in advance. Sessions are by appointment only.

How often will I meet with my therapist?


Based on your specific needs, you and your therapist will decide together how often you’ll meet.  Typically, you will start off by meeting weekly  and then as discussed between you and your therapist, changes to frequency will be determined. Frequency can also vary depending on your personal needs and goals but that again will be determined by you and your therapist.


How long will I be in therapy?

That is an excellent question although a difficult one to determine.  Much of this depends upon the presenting issue, the severity of the issue, how long the issue has been troubling the client and the motivation and determination of the client to move through the therapeutic process.  

That said, generally, people come in to therapy for a minimum time of 3-6 months when there’s a less severe situation whereas others come in with more acute and/or stress related issues that may require 1-2 years to work through (e.g., trauma, addictions, depression, anxiety disorders and couples issues).  So as mentioned earlier, each situation, based on its own presenting issues, will determine the length of therapy in each case.