Clinical Supervision for lcmhca’S

Are you a North Carolina counselor associate seeking a supervisor to complete your requirements for an LCMHC license? Rob Pennello, LCMHCS, is a certified supervisor for NC, and can assist you in meeting ALL the NCBLPC Board’s requirements for FULL licensure in obtaining your LCMHC license. 

Rob+Panello, clinical supervisor for LPCA's in North Carolina.

Supervisory service

At New Directions, supervision is envisioned as a critical part and process in developing the resident counselor’s professional identity, practical applications of theoretic bases in counsel, honing in on and developing their own unique skill sets, approaches to therapy, and confidence levels.

This process not only helps create an atmosphere of safety, trust, and encouragement so the counselor can freely learn and find open and honest clinical instruction, expertise, and support, but also helps the resident discover their own unique style and niche for their professional counseling career. 

Individual Counselor Supervision

Individual supervisory sessions are 60 minutes in length in accordance with NCBLPC licensure standards/requirements.

All sessions consist of a current audio and/or video recorded client session in the format of a clinical case study. At each session, we will examine any and all clinical, ethical, personal, and or administration issues. Each case presentation focuses in on counselor technique, implementation of theory and counselor formation.